Monday, April 23, 2012

Bringing back this beloved game

Battle for Middle Earth 2
As many of you may know the Battle for Middle Earth servers have been shut down, but there is still hope. If we can prove to EA that there is still a viable community and that we are willing to go to almost any length to bring it back then there is a chance that we can get them or someone to bring up a viable ranked server for dedicated middle earth fans to play on.

Battle for Middle Earth had a great community, which can be seen by the many customized maps people have made over the years, but on December 31, 2010 EA shut down the online community as we know it. I want people to know there are still ways to play Middle Earth, and if we show our community is still a large enough market we may be able to convince EA to open up their servers to this beloved game even if that means a monthly payment.

Friend taunting an opponent.
Our willingness to play Battle for Middle Earth must be shown, we must come together as a community, and although it doesn't need to be on this blog we need to find a way to work together and show EA how many of us there still are.

If you would like to join in helping bring back Battle for Middle Earth leave a comment and I will get back to you ASAP